Frequently Asked Questions

What stops people from getting help?

In my experience, one of the most common reasons that stops people from getting support when they feel overwhelmed by feelings of stress, anxiety and depression is the belief that they should be able to do it on their own. If this belief has stopped you, you are definitely not alone. Highly functioning, intelligent people also feel very vulnerable at various stages in their lives and need to receive psychological help.

Reaching out for help is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of self-awareness and competence. The ability to recognize that you need to upgrade your coping skills and the courage it takes to share our vulnerabilities with another human being is a strength that leads to growth. It certainly does not mean you are defeated if you seek assistance.

In fact, working with a psychologist to expand your knowledge and skills about human behavior will empower you to make better decisions about the way you handle life’s challenges and your reactions to them. 

When should I speak with a psychologist?

Some reasons you may find it beneficial to speak with a psychologist include:

  • If you are experiencing symptoms that are concerning you about your mental health such as: worrying excessively without being able to stop it or feelings so sad a lot of the time that your unable to enjoy life.
  • If you are unhappy with aspects of your lifestyle and have unhealthy patterns that you would like guidance to change.
  • If you feel stuck in a life that is not fulfilling and would like help to identify what is blocking you from reaching your potential.
  • If you would like to learn strategies  to help you set and achieve goals to improve the quality of your life.

Psychologists are highly educated professionals who have expertise in human behavior. You are an expert in your life. Together, it is much easier to identify wether your symptoms are related to a Mental Health Disorder and if so, what is the most effective treatment.

You do not need to be suffering from a diagnosed mental illness to benefit from working with a psychologist. Support to work through difficulties that are preventing you from leading the life you want is also available.

Do I need a GP referral to see a psychologist?
No, anyone can book in to see a psychologist. Some people are very private and prefer to contact the psychologist directly to discuss their circumstances without speaking to anyone else. Others, chose to discuss their concerns with their GP, who provides them with a referral for the psychologist.
How is counselling different from talking to a friend?
Friends and family can be magnificent supports to discuss problems with but it may not always be easy or possible to talk to them about all of your concerns. You may not want to worry them. They may not agree with the way you are handling a situation. You may be believe that they do not know how to help you. They may find it difficult to offer objective advise.

Psychologists on the other hand, are highly qualified professionals who are trained to listen without judgement, diagnose mental health conditions and provide effective psychological treatment.

How can counselling help me?
Counselling is much more than just venting to someone you trust. It can be described as series of focused discussions between you and your psychologist to help you identify what is causing your distress and better ways of managing.

Your psychologist can help you gain a better understanding of the symptoms you are experiencing and learn strategies to reduce their impact on your daily life and cope better with situations you can not change.

How many sessions will I need?
The number of sessions required for you to achieve the outcomes you desire is based on a joint decision between you and your psychologist. Together, you will decide when you will start, the frequency and the number of sessions you will need to attend to achieve the best results.
Can I get a Medicare Rebate for counseling sessions?

You can receive a partial rebate from Medicare for 10 individual face to face or telehealth video counselling sessions per calendar year if you have a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) from your GP. You will initially be given a referral with up to six sessions and will need to see your GP if you would like to access an additional four sessions. You may also be eligible for an additional 10 sessions as part of the support offered through Medicare during COVID-19 which you will need to discuss with your GP to access.

Your GP will assess if you meet the criteria for receiving treatment under the Medicare Benefit Scheme. It is advised that you inform the receptionist at your GP practice when booking your appointment that you require a Mental Health Treatment Plan. Your GP will complete the paperwork required and provide a referral letter to your psychologist.

Can I get a Rebate from my Private Health Fund?
Private Health Funds vary on the amount and the number of sessions they provide rebates for counselling depending on the Cover you have chosen. You will need to contact your Private Health Fund directly to discuss your eligibility to rebates for psychological services.

About Our Services

Telehealth Online Video Consultations
Bayside Psych Health offers Telehealth Online Video Consultations, so that you are able to access confidential counselling from any comfortable place of your choice.

You will need access to an internet connection and an a phone or computer (desktop, laptop, iPad etc).

You don’t need to download any software before your session.

Prepare for your Telehealth Session

Once you have booked a telehealth appointment, you will receive an email from Bayside Psych Health with a secure link, 24 hours before your session begins.

At the time of your appointment,
open the email you received confirming your appointment. To connect, follow the simple instructions provided.

If you have not received email the day before your scheduled appointment please txt Georgina on 0425 720 621 to let her know.

If you are unable to connect due to technical issues at your scheduled appointment time, please call Georgina immediately on 0425 720 621

‟You may feel isolated but you don’t need to be alone.”

Face to Face Consultations
Providing a stable, safe, comfortable environment for consultations is of paramount importance to us at Bayside Psych Health.

Adjusting to challenges brought about by COVID-19 has been challenging.

As a result of the regular adjustments to Victorian Health Guidelines for the safety of both clients and staff during COVID-19, face to face consultations are temporarily unavailable from Bentleigh and Kew.

Bayside Psych Health continues to offer telehealth online video consultations for your convenience and continued support.

We look forward to returning to face to face counselling as soon as, we are confident that the we are able to maintain regular face to face counselling.

After Hours Resources & Urgent Care

Helplines – Useful Links

Suicide Prevention & Support for Crises

Lifeline – 13 11 14
Crisis Support – Suicide Prevention. Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467
Free counselling 24 hours a day, 7days a week across Australia Suicide Call back Service provides free phone, video and online counselling for any affected by suicide.

Men’s Mental Health

MensLine – 1300 78 99 78
MensLine Australia is a professional telephone and online support and information service for Australian Men provided 24/7.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Direct Line – 1800 888 2362
24/7 free and confidential

Confidential alcohol and drug counselling and referral in Victoria for big people of all ages and backgrounds.

Youth Mental Health

Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI)
Promoting better outcomes for children and families where a parent experiences mental illness.

Women’s Health & Safety

1800 RESPECT -1800 737 732

24/7 Helpline National sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service(Victims of physical or sexual abuse).

Emergency Contacts

Where to get help

In case of emergencies and urgent assistance

Call 000 Emergency

NURSE-ON-CALL 1300 60 60 24

Bayside Psych Health is committed to helping people live happier lives by empowering them to restore their emotional well-being.

Georgina Stratigakos